Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's all good

The switch flipped Sunday morning.

Since then, I've been counting points, feeling good, running, yogaing and strength training, all the while playing outside with my baby, getting my mile-long moving to do list done and somehow getting work done too.

I am super woman. Hear me roar.


I had to run to our new wee town this week to sign some papers, drop off some deposits and pick up some do-dads (totally a word). What would have taken me all morning in Ottawa (and cost me $10 in parking) took me 20 minutes, on foot and didn't cost me a dime. The town we're moving to is built into the side of the most beautiful valley in Saskatchewan and as of this week the heat and the rain has brought out the green. As I pulled out of town my eyes went to the beautiful dirt path that winds its way along the river...just a few more days and that will be my running route. I got so excited I spilled my coffee.

And today, after three days of workouts, the body is hurting, but in that oh so good way. I went clothes shopping yesterday, and while I know I could fit the pants a bit better, all has not been lost in the last two months of craziness.

It's all good, people. It's all good.

1 comment:

Jennifer P said...

Boo yeah. It's all good. I haven't been running but pen cleaning is hard work. Does that count?